Jared Fogle Net Worth

Jared Fogle, an ex-spokesperson of Subway, rose to fame after the popular 'Subway Diet' helped him to reduce his weight, thus gaining celebrity status. His net wroth in 2017 is $15 Million

Jared Fogle, an ex-spokesperson of Subway, rose to fame after the world came to know that his Subway Diet helped him to reduce his weight from a whopping 400 pounds to 200 pounds in a short span of time. He was also an inspiration for many to stay healthy and kick their unhealthy habits. Fogle was assessed to be worth about $15 million in 2013.

Jared Fogle Net Worth – $15 Million

How Jared Fogle Make His Money?

Jared Fogle was beefy beyond belief much of his life. He weigh around 400 pounds when he was 20 years old. He gained enormous weight because of his unhealthy diet of copious amounts of pizza, ice cream, burgers, French fries, and more junk food. He soon realised that he is oversized an decided to get proper shape. He changed his dietary pattern “Subway Diet” and along with some activity, he soon dropped more than 200 pounds. A companion ran his story in the University paper, and that returned to Subway local supervisor in Chicago. They ran a test promotion and soon ran national with it.

The promotion crusade with Subway ended up being a creature achievement. He was paid extremely well by the firm, and traversed the nation, promoting the brand, and shooting more adverts. He utilised this popularity into appearances on a wide range of shows, talks appear, WWE Network and even a couple of movies. The other strut of his riches was his motivational talking.

Jared Fogle Personal Life

Is Jared Fogle Married?

Fogle has been hitched twice. To begin with in 2001 to Elizabeth Christie, of course in 2010 to Katie McLaughlin. He had two kids with Katie, his identity now obviously not permitted to see.

Where is Jared Fogle from?

Jared Fogle is from Indianapolis Indiana.

Why was Jared Fogle Arrested?

Fogle was under scrutiny since 2007, after he made some licentious remarks about a center school kid to said youngster’s mom. The mother went to the specialists and the FBI asked her to wiretap a conversation with Fogle. Fogle requested and got many pictures of youngsters from a man named Russel Taylor, whom the FBI soon confined, which prompted his conviction. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to serve 15 years, 8 months in federal prison, with a minimum of 13 years before becoming eligible for early release.

What is Jared Fogle doing now?

He is currently writing a book about him.